We are #business #management #healthcare and #finance sector #professionals serving individuals and entrepreneurs as their personal and professional Performance Improvement Specialists. Strengths lie in strategic planning for under-served and disenfranchised individuals and organizations by way of #enterprise creation, development, appreciative inquiry, #SWOT / SOAR #analysis, #branding, social presence, #content development, #capital raise, #education, action research, and #strategic implementation. We have 30+ years of experience and have helped small businesses offer affordable senior healthcare and raise over $141,000,000.00.

Available for immediate download, these eBooks contain information most solopreneurs need but may not have the financial stature to source and obtain on their own. They may be purchased individually or as a bundle. Choose which is best for you.
Website and Social Media Audit and a 30-minute consultation.
The ENTITY CREATION. INC incorporation with Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. An LLC incorporation includes the Articles of Organization and an Operating Agreement. Entity creation also comes with the following organizational management documents: Business Plan templates. Operations Manual, Resolution to Open a Bank Account, Organizational Meeting, Resignation of Organizer, Things to keep in mind, and Transfer of Membership Interest Testament. You will also receive your EIN.
The VERIFIABLE PHONE NUMBER has an affordable monthly fee that will be billed to you. The number can be successfully used to facilitate your DUNS registration.
For your Net-30 and Net-60 account applications, the DUNS NUMBER REGISTRATION will result in a credible D&B credit file for your business and a Paydex Score for your forthcoming business credit development.
You will receive BUSINESS TEMPLATES by which to run your business and a DOCUMENT REPOSITORY to save them in.
DOMAIN REGISTRATION is included in the startup package and comes complete with a WORDPRESS WEBSITE That boasts artificial intelligence marketing and unlimited drip email campaign capability. The WORDPRESS WEBSITE boasts high-quality images and the very necessary business email addresses. No more doing business @gmail.
After the above services are completed, we provide you with a credit profile audit as well as a plan of action to ensure you are a CREDIT-WORTHY as a BUSINESS, to the tune of $500K funding and higher. How do we do this? We do this by ensuring your LENDER COMPLIANCE and PRE-QUALIFICATION. Next, we offer you our 6-STEP THREE C’s Program, or a variation that works best for you. For those interested in Rental (aka AirBNB loans) Funding, we’ve got you covered. Click HERE to buy.


What types of businesses do you assist with
Hi. I specialize in start-ups, across most industries.
Thank you so much for helping Steven Mobile Notary with a business plan, an executive summary, and a pitch deck. This enables us to fundices business. I would use this service again
You are very welcome. I like how your business is flourishing now. Stay on track and watch how much more you will grow.